Sunday, July 12, 2009

What Makes Me Wanna Stay Home..

- Momma's cooking.
We had Luk Mei Soup, Watermelon Soup, Fried Spaghetti, Cheesecake, Pink Guavas, Fried Rice, Stuffed Prawns. All that over the weekend. Honestly I think Momma is a wonder-woman. Had no idea how she churned those up in several blinks.

- New Furnitures
We went browsing again. We really liked the second shop we browsed - the retro L-shaped couch looks cool and mod. But - OVERPRICED. A few more shops and tada~!
Came back with new ultra comfy beige coloured 1+2+3 seaters, a TV cabinet, and a dining set! :D Super fun arranging them all afternoon, with Darling BF's help (EBA Deposit!!)

I said goodbye to my long time Papa Bear though :(
Has been 2x years.. and it has became so dusty it could clog up my nostrils in a jiffy.
So long sweetie~!

- Absolutely Fantastic Looking Skin
Giving credit again to momma. The night before she showed me a serum she recently bought, and she slathered a generous amount on my face hehehhe. A quick massage, then I was off to bed (before 12!)Slept like a baby for about 9 solid hours.

The next morning, momma knocked on my door, and she went.. "Whoa.. your skin looks so good! So moisturized" That statement made me so awake - "Huh? Really.. lemme see lemme see, this is so making my day!" Rushed to the mirror, true enough, my heart jumped in joy lol. Looked so plumped up and glowy. Awww and momma went off to pour me a small bottle of the serum for me to take home.... isn't she a gem? :)

I leave you with a Lotus Triangle Mandala (from
Wish you a Blissful Week ahead :)

The Lotus Triangle Mandala represents the balance between Love, Life, and Spirit. In this piece a lotus blossom gives birth to a beveled heart, while being cradled by a crescent moon and framed by an alter of supporting triangles.


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