Sunday, November 15, 2009

It happened on one innocent mundane night. I was surfing the web, and suddenly The Boyfriend, who was watching TV, called out.. "Hey look at this.. cute eh?"

It was the ad for Osim uKimono. After the mere 31 seconds ad, guess what was I surfing for?
Yeh smart you... the uKimono.
It costs $799... and I wanted it!

I managed to distract myself from it for a few days.. before I headed to the mall and tried it.
It gave me tingly feeling (I tried it on my thighs). Nice, I quite like it (what? "quite like" is a lie! I love it) I walked away reluctantly after that, but what the SA said lingered on my mind... "can pay by installment also.." Oh, so I don't have to puke out one chunk of money in one go? It won't sound too bad yeh? Yeh yeh?

Guess what, two days later - I GOT IT! Hehe... bright red one... So CNY-ish!
It comes with a purple colored diary and an SHE calendar- with some tips to lose the jiggle.

So here's my baby...tada:

Colour: Red / Purple / Orange

Function: Shape and tone the tummy, thighs and butt. Also massages the lumbar. Helps with digestion.

Usage: Each session is auto-programmed at 10 minutes. You can choose to knead, vibrate or both. At one go, each body part is not to exceed 1 hour (whoaaaa pls don't be an addict). Do not use it right before and after meals.

My Experience:
I've been using it for a couple of days now. During the session, I feel warmth on the area I use it on. I really feel it gives my stomach a bloody good massage. At times I feel dizzy after using it, but its on and off, could be my low BP.

On my stomach - I feel kinda itchy all around. Its the circulation, still tolerable. My first use - the area on my stomach was itchy and all red. But then I went to sleep and the next morning it was all ok.

On my thighs and butt - just feel tingly and warm. Nothing uncomfortable.

What I don't like about it:
~ it is heavy... :S
~ it comes with wires and adaptor, such a hassle - can't really walk around much.
~ it is kinda noisy

But overall, I'm happy with this machine. Let's see if it really helps to tone me up! ;)


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