Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sunflower's Charm

Everyone has crappy days, yes. Now crappiness is targeting me sigh.
Yesterday was hell at work.
I inherited a staff from my boss, and has been trying to mould her at work.
With x number of years at the company, she is waaay more senior than me. But, God I shouldn't be saying / thinking this, she need alot of help in the intelligence department :(

She is basically a do-as-you-say 90% of the time (but with 50% level of accuracy) and 10% of I-thought-this-is-acceptable-too person. And when I talk about intelligence, I mean after 11 months of teaching her one bloody function, she is still capable of making mistakes every month. Yes, consistent!

To further add salt to the injury. My 2 month old new hire is up and running independantly, doing more complex tasks. Now what can I say?

I decided to randomly pick one piece of her work for checking. And it must be her unlucky star, I detected mistake right away. In this work function, mistake is a big no no and could result in executive escalations. Bloody bloody bloody inheritance, really!!

And when asked, she gave me baseless assumptions! She knew her work doesn't match and she allowed it to happen. In my entire 7 years in this department, I've never lash out at an employee / anyone. Yesterday I was churning out profanities mentally. I have zero tolerance for stupidity, really.

Funny thing, though I don't regret thinking what I thought (I need to let of some steam, else I'd regret what I say); I do feel a tiny bit of evilness for my thoughts. I was mad, damn irritated because if I was the one hiring at that point of time, I'd never hire her. Charity by The Boss, and I get his mess.

Farrrrrk! (excuse me, but really..!)

I know, in another angle, she is not stupid. She is just not right for the job. But Holy Lord, what she is doing now is the easiest task within my care. Anything easier would be bringing me tea and massaging my feet!

Came back after a cooling dinner. Porridge to soothe the fire in me lol. And sat down furiously churning out those steam.. and this caught my attention..

A pretty and delicate petal that Momma just came up to me and hand it to me.
:) And I feel so much better. I have a demanding mom (trust me, she demands perfection from her daughter); but she always know how to cheer me up...

I offer a silent prayer to my employee, I hope you improve, really. 
Because I cannot be holding your hands forever...


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