Tuesday, December 7, 2010

And She Is Late Again..

I don't like to avoid addressing problems. That is one thing that upsets me alot. If I see an issue, I'd wanna fix it pronto. Though mentally I'd like to snap and drill common sense into people, in life I'd really really like to keep that as last option on earth.

But, some problem naturally have to be fixed asap before it is too late.

Hmmm I think I might have an adopted employee who has chronic lateness syndrome. It was raised to my attention yesterday and I was unpleasantly surprised of this piece of news.

So after a lil information collecting for the team, I found out that Ms Late is:
- Consistently late (we're talking about over 30 mins late here hello!)

- Consistently not showing up for work. With excuses like migraine / not well / pressured. Hmm try doing my job and she might have to sleep in a coffin then?

- As she does not report to me, I doubt she submits proper medical leave applications or even annual leave. So I'll have to start bugging The Boss for some investigation.

- So she comes in late. She goes back riggggght on time babe! And not owning the team's collective work volume is a huge reason asking for herself to be slapped.

- Has just broken up with her boyfriend. Ahhh sucha lame excuse missy! Who hasn't broken up before? Totally incapable of managing your own issues. Boo.

I caught her many times on Youtube at work. Whoa, if you are late, not helping the team, and you still have time for Youtube, AND at the same time feeling preassured, I suggest you try waitressing instead. Say, Hooters?

So this is what managing feels at times.. It feels like being a parent.
Only with over 20 kids, hell thank god I don't have any real kids..

Now I'll get back to see which approach I'll use to tackle Ms Late...


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