Thursday, January 10, 2013

2013 - Happier Year Ahead

*I'm about 1.5 months late posting this. Coz of failed connection each time sigh.

What do people usually do on the first day of the new year? Continue to be merry and drinking? Or perhaps nursing a bad hangover? Maybe out shopping?

For me I love enjoying the quiet at home. However I woke up quite early for breakfast.  Early compared to my usual off days lol. Love the morning breeze, so cool and refreshing.

Breakfast was good; but with just 4-5 hours of sleep for the past 2 weeks I felt pretty dead. Soon throbbing headache came ugh.

Then I slept the best nap ever haha.  Sleep is really important to keep us healthy.

Next my annual new year routine - shopping! Hehe but thanks to The Husband... he has been encouraging me to shop, weird.

We made a dent to our wallets at Mr DIY and Guardian. Guardian is having pretty good sale today.

Came back to a quick dinner and then off being a couch potato.  Ahhh that's the end of my holidays sigh. I'm wishing for the next holidays soon..
